Kerri Ponich's Email Address and Phone Number

Labour Relations at University of the Fraser Valley

Kerri Ponich is a(n) Labour Relations working at University of the Fraser Valley.

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Other employees at University of the Fraser Valley

YMYalda Mscba
Associate Director, Marketing & Applicant RelationsUniversity of the Fraser Valley
 @ufv.caGet contact
MSMartina Southern 60 Get contact
EWElvira Warner 60 Get contact
DRDane Reavie 60 Get contact
KTKarter Thandi 60 Get contact
DMDavid Morosan 60 Get contact
GGGrace Gould 60 Get contact
HKHeidi Knull 60 Get contact
LPLesley Poh
College of Arts Department Asst. (English, Linguistics, & Music)- on leaveUniversity of the Fraser Valley 60 Get contact
COCaitlin O'donoghue
Auxiliary Housing Operations CoordinatorUniversity of the Fraser Valley 60 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 447 results

Similar people to Kerri Ponich

SCStephanie Crha
Employee and Labour Relations AdvisorConcordia University
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Assistant to Employee and Labour RelationsConcordia University
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ILIngrid Landau
PhD Student and Research Fellow, Centre for Employment and Labour Relations LawUniversity of Melbourne
 @uni… 3 Get contact
TMTory Mathers
Sr. Labour Relations OfficerUniversity of Toronto Get contact
GMGrey Mcgarry-Ainslie Get contact
TBTara Broere
Employee/Labour Relations AdvisorQueen's University Get contact
JGJim Gibson
Associate Director Labour RelationsSt. Lawrence College Get contact
JCJason Copping
Sessional Instructor - Labour RelationsUniversity of Calgary Get contact
ETElena Tyminski
Senior Consultant, Employee & Labour RelationsUniversity of Calgary Get contact
VCVanessa Cosgrove
Employee and Labour Relations ConsultantUniversity of Calgary Get contact
Displaying 10 of 36 results