Kellen Goodwin's Email Address and Phone Number

Intellectual Property Docketing Specialist at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP

Kellen Goodwin is a(n) Intellectual Property Docketing Specialist working at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP.

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TSTheresa Salatto @arn….com(202) Get contact
MDMarty Duvall
Chief Marketing OfficerArnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
 @arn….com(202) Get contact
ANAngel Nakamura @arn….com(202) Get contact
JHJason Hsu @arn….com(202) Get contact
BMBeatriz Martin @arn….com(202) Get contact
MAMarcus Asner @arn….com(202) Get contact
EWEric Whitney @arn….com(202) Get contact
BWBridget Weiss
Partner - Tax and Tax-Exempt OrganizationsArnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
 @arn….com(202) Get contact
DWDavid Weiner @arn….com(202) Get contact
AVAngela Vicari @arn….com(202) Get contact
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