Kathleen Bambrick's Email Address and Phone Number

Manager of Training and Staff Development at South Shore Mental Health

Kathleen Bambrick is a(n) Manager of Training and Staff Development working at South Shore Mental Health.

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Other employees at South Shore Mental Health

LLLarissa Licsw
Licensed Clinical Social WorkerSouth Shore Mental Health
 @ssmh.orgGet contact
JPJulianne Paquette
Clinician at Community Outpatient ServicesSouth Shore Mental Health
 @ssmh.orgGet contact
ISIldavina Silva
Student ClinicianSouth Shore Mental Health
 @ssmh.org(800) Get contact
BCBernie Crawford @ssmh.org(800) Get contact
BRBruce Roberts
Director of Graduate Student TrainingSouth Shore Mental Health
 @ssmh.org(800) Get contact
CRChelsea Routhier @ssmh.org(800) Get contact
MOMarisa O'boyle
Clinical Psychology Post-doctoral FellowSouth Shore Mental Health
 @ssmh.org(800) Get contact
KVKarabeth Vanick
Licensed Clinical Social WorkerSouth Shore Mental Health
 @ssmh.org(800) Get contact
TVThomas Vautrinot @ssmh.org(800) Get contact
THTaylor Herring
In-Home Therapist & Outreach ClinicianSouth Shore Mental Health
 @ssmh.org(800) Get contact
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