Kassandra Nevarez's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing and Communications Intern at Row New York

Kassandra Nevarez is a(n) Marketing and Communications Intern working at Row New York.

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Other employees at Row New York

HMHector Maquieira @row….org(718) Get contact
AOAlex Olijnyk
Community CoordinatorRow New York
 @row….org(718) Get contact
ECEva Campbell
Middle School Program DirectorRow New York
 @row….org(718) Get contact
CQCarolina Quijada
Para Rowing CoachRow New York
 @row….org(718) Get contact
RBRicky Bourke
Manhattan Varsity AssistantRow New York
 @row….org(718) Get contact
BFBreanne Fitzsimmons
Queens Youth Program ManagerRow New York
 @row….org(718) Get contact
RLRubyana Lyon
Marketing and Communications ManagerRow New York
 @row….org(718) Get contact
KLKristen Lalka
Metrics & Evaluation ManagerRow New York
 @row….org(718) Get contact
DADenise Aquino
Director of Community RowingRow New York
 @row….org(718) Get contact
JKJulia Kelling
Novice Program CoordinatorRow New York
 @row….org(718) Get contact
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