Julie Joseph's Email Address and Phone Number

General Manager at David Morris - The London Jeweller

Julie Joseph is a(n) General Manager working at David Morris - The London Jeweller.

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Other employees at David Morris - The London Jeweller

EAElla Alcindor
P.A and Diamond ControllerDavid Morris - The London Jeweller
 @dav….comGet contact
TGThierry Gautier @dav….comGet contact
VKVictoria Kelsey
Production & Development CoordinatorDavid Morris - The London Jeweller
 @dav….comGet contact
CLCaroline Lin
Responsable administrative et vendeuse haute joaillerieDavid Morris - The London Jeweller
 @dav….comGet contact
AWAlexandra Witt
High Jewellery Sales and Press RelationsDavid Morris - The London Jeweller
 @dav….comGet contact
BHBeata Haraszkiewicz
Senior Sales ConsultantDavid Morris - The London Jeweller
 @dav….comGet contact
LGLily Gatehouse
Assitant to International Sales DirectorDavid Morris - The London Jeweller
 @dav….comGet contact
TDThomas Duruy
Wholesale manager developementDavid Morris - The London Jeweller
 @dav….comGet contact
SBSimon Berry @dav….comGet contact
LDLyndi Dai
Director of VIP Sales AsiaDavid Morris - The London Jeweller
 @dav….comGet contact
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