Jose Ortega's Email Address and Phone Number

Chef de Partie at Drake & Morgan

Jose Ortega is a(n) Chef de Partie working at Drake & Morgan.

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Other employees at Drake & Morgan

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MOMarieta Olszewska
Restaurant ManagerDrake & Morgan
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ACAkash Chopra @dra… 8 Get contact
CBCharlotte Brown
Sales ManagerDrake & Morgan
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CHChloe Haymon
Senior Sales ExecutiveDrake & Morgan
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VBVytautas Bartkus
Bar SupervisorDrake & Morgan
 @dra… 8 Get contact
IPIga Porada
Sales AdministratorDrake & Morgan
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DBDafydd Bretherton
General ManagerDrake & Morgan
 @dra… 8 Get contact
OMOmar Magowry
General ManagerDrake & Morgan
 @dra… 8 Get contact
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