John Paterson's Email Address and Phone Number

IT Infrastructure Delivery Manager at StepChange Debt Charity

John Paterson is a(n) IT Infrastructure Delivery Manager working at StepChange Debt Charity.

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Other employees at StepChange Debt Charity

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 @ste….orgGet contact
MRMark Ramsey
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LPLisa Palillo-Mair
Head of Marketing and Brand StepChange Debt CharityStepChange Debt Charity
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IWIan Warner @ste….orgGet contact
ABAlaister Boyd
Systems ArchitectStepChange Debt Charity
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JSJames Swales
Senior Operations ManagerStepChange Debt Charity
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CLChris Lovell
Senior Operations ManagerStepChange Debt Charity
 @ste….orgGet contact
MPMichael Pease
Senior Operations ManagerStepChange Debt Charity
 @ste….orgGet contact
PHPaul Hillberg
Senior Operations ManagerStepChange Debt Charity
 @ste….orgGet contact
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