John Borgo's Email Address and Phone Number

Vice President of Analytics at Angie's List

John Borgo is a(n) Vice President of Analytics working at Angie's List.

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Other employees at Angie's List

MWMichael Wanderer
Chief People OfficerAngie's List Get contact
KCKevin Candau
Talent Acquisition ManagerAngie's List
 @ang….com(888) Get contact
SSSara Shriver
Director of Learning and DevelopmentAngie's List Get contact
KRKrishan Roy
Android DeveloperAngie's List Get contact
SMScott Mccauley
ManagementAngie's List
 @ang….com(888) Get contact
JHJessica Haber
Vice President, Corporate Talent AcquisitionAngie's List Get contact
DBDiana B.
Vice President Marketing - Brand MediaAngie's List
 @hom….com(888) Get contact
RKRachel Kuntz
Senior Manager, Talent AcquisitionAngie's List
 @hom….com(888) Get contact
RNRebecca Napelbaum
Executive Assistant To Chief Executive OfficerAngie's List Get contact
DSDan Sheehan
Application AnalystAngie's List
 @ang….com(888) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 60 results

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