Joan Galgay's Email Address and Phone Number

Assistant Vice President at Watertown Savings Bank, MA

Joan Galgay is a(n) Assistant Vice President working at Watertown Savings Bank, MA.

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Other employees at Watertown Savings Bank, MA

NKNicole Kanaskie @wat….com(800) Get contact
MBMary Bartelson
Return Item AdministratorWatertown Savings Bank, MA
 @wat….com(800) Get contact
FPFred Proia
Senior Vice PresidentWatertown Savings Bank, MA
 @wat….com(800) Get contact
TJTroy Joseph
Asst. Vice President - Call CenterWatertown Savings Bank, MA
 @wat….com(800) Get contact
SMShelby Morgia @wat….com(800) Get contact
NBNicole Biggins
Vice President & TreasurerWatertown Savings Bank, MA
 @wat….com(800) Get contact
CLCheryl Lowe @wat….com(800) Get contact
GBGerri Bonanno @wat….com(800) Get contact
KKKathy Kapotsis
Accountant and Investment RepresentativeWatertown Savings Bank, MA
 @wat….com(800) Get contact
GGGinny Gentile @wat….com(800) Get contact
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