Jim Veillette's Email Address and Phone Number

Design Drafter at The Lee Company

Jim Veillette is a(n) Design Drafter working at The Lee Company.

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Other employees at The Lee Company

SKScott King
Automation Engineering Manager The Lee Company
 @the….comGet contact
MTMichael Tripp
Manufacturing ManagerThe Lee Company
 @the….comGet contact
KEKristin Edgerton
Principal Project EngineerThe Lee Company
 @the….comGet contact
RMRobert Merrick
Chief EngineerThe Lee Company
 @the….comGet contact
JDJeffrey Dickey
Executive Vice President HydraulicsThe Lee Company
 @the….comGet contact
SPSteven Peloquin @the….com(860) Get contact
JWJeff Whalen @the….com(860) Get contact
MKMiles Krischtschun
Industrial CT scanThe Lee Company
 @the….com(860) Get contact
EJErik Johnson
Chief EngneerThe Lee Company
 @the….com(860) Get contact
TBThomas Bold
Senior Project EngineerThe Lee Company
 @the….com(860) Get contact
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