Jérôme Rossem's Email Address and Phone Number

Responsable d'agence at ITS Services

Jérôme Rossem is a(n) Responsable d'agence working at ITS Services.

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Other employees at ITS Services

CTCheikh Thiam
Engineering ConsultantITS Services
 @its….comGet contact
SPStéphanie Pechberty
Directrice des ressources humainesITS Group S.A.
 @its….com01 78 Get contact
MHMourad Hamouda
Directeur TechniqueITS Group S.A.
 @its….com01 78 Get contact
LGLauranne Gicquel
Chargée de recrutement ITITS Group S.A.
 @its….com01 78 Get contact
PSPhilippe Sauve
DG / Finances & AdministratifITS Group S.A.
 @its….com01 78 Get contact
KNKhadim Ndiaye
Centralization WEB authentication - IT security consultant at ENEDISITS Group S.A.
 @its….com01 78 Get contact
CCChristophe Chambert
Asset ManagerITS Group S.A.
 @its….com01 78 Get contact
LMLaetitia Murday
Consultante en recrutementITS GROUP S.A.
 @its….com+33 1 Get contact
JLJean-Luc Lejuez
Responsable de production informatiqueITS GROUP S.A.
 @its….com+33 1 Get contact
MDMarthe Dione
Consultante Support TMSITS GROUP S.A.
 @its….com+33 1 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 229 results

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