Jennifer Goldszer's Email Address and Phone Number

Vice President of Marketing at Schott NYC

Jennifer Goldszer is a(n) Vice President of Marketing working at Schott NYC.

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Other employees at Schott NYC

JSJason Schott @sch….com(212) Get contact
CECharles Edmundson
Design Dir.Schott NYC
 @sch….com(212) Get contact
JCJoffrey Chicheportich @sch….com(212) Get contact
JGJennifer Goldszer
Vice President of MarketingSchott NYC
 @sch….com(212) Get contact
MMMathilda Martel
Assistante Chef de Produit (Alternant)Schott NYC
 @sch….com(212) Get contact
DCDavid Colin
Vice PresidentSchott NYC
 @sch….com(212) Get contact
SKSandra Kate
fashion designerSchott NYC
 @sch….com(212) Get contact
GSGary Skolnik)
PresidentSchott NYC
 @sch….com(212) Get contact
JFJuana Farfan
comtrolSchott NYC
 @sch….com(212) Get contact
SGSylvie Gerin
Resposable boutiqueSchott NYC
 @sch….com(212) Get contact
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