Jennifer Chowdhury's Email Address and Phone Number

Assistent Designer at Haddad Brands

Jennifer Chowdhury is a(n) Assistent Designer working at Haddad Brands.

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Other employees at Haddad Brands

GMGeorge Mutschler
SVP of Design-Levi's, Jordan Brand, Graphics, Accessories, Outerwear and HosieryHaddad Brands
 @haddad.comGet contact
HBHussein Badry
QA SupervisorHaddad Brands
 @haddad.comGet contact
APAriana Particelli
Sourcing and Production ManagerHaddad Brands
 @haddad.comGet contact
YAYahia Altnbari
Quality Assurance Haddad Brands
 @haddad.comGet contact
JHJ Hoggan
Sourcing AssociateHaddad Brands
 @haddad.comGet contact
DHDavid Haddad @haddad.comGet contact
HHHannah Harris
Associate Designer - Levi's GirlsHaddad Brands Get contact
ALAlyssa Lostetter Get contact
MDMorgane Domage Get contact
KSKathryn Sitarz
Merchandiser - Nike - JordanHaddad Brands Get contact
Displaying 10 of 103 results

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