Jennifer Angel's Email Address and Phone Number

HR Consultant at University of California, Merced

Jennifer Angel is a(n) HR Consultant working at University of California, Merced.

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Other employees at University of California, Merced

JPJonathan Ph.d.
Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of StudentsUniversity of California, Merced
 @ucm….eduGet contact
MMMark Matsumoto
Dean, School of EngineeringUC Merced
 @ucm….eduGet contact
MLMichael Lee
Office of the Vice Provost for the Faculty and Academic Personnel Office Student InternUniversity of California, Merced
 @ucm….eduGet contact
TPTolgay Ph.d.
Chief Information Security OfficerUniversity of California, Merced
 @ucm….eduGet contact
JPJasmine Peinado
Executive Assistant for the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost of UC MercedUC Merced
 @ucm….eduGet contact
CKChris Kello
Interim Vice Provost and Graduate DeanUniversity of California, Merced
 @ucm….eduGet contact
AGApril Graves
Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice Chancellor and ProvostUC Merced
 @ucm….eduGet contact
JZJames Zimmerman
Senior Associate Vice Provost and DeanUniversity of California, Merced
 @ucm….eduGet contact
LMLaura Martin
Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost for Academic Planning & Institutional AssessmentUC Merced
 @ucm….eduGet contact
AKAnn Kovalchick
Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Information OfficerUniversity of California, Merced
 @ucm….eduGet contact
Displaying 10 of 919 results

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