Jeffrey Lukasiewicz's Email Address and Phone Number

Produce Clerk at Eataly

Jeffrey Lukasiewicz is a(n) Produce Clerk working at Eataly.

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Other employees at Eataly

MJMichael Johnston
Category ManagerEataly
 @eataly.comGet contact
GZGiacomo Zondini
Wine BuyerEataly
 @eataly.comGet contact
ANAlessandro Niciforo
CTO | EcommerceEataly
 @eataly.comGet contact
ABAntonio Banfi
Vice President FinanceEataly
 @eataly.comGet contact
ACAlex Carson
HR Business PartnerEataly
 @eataly.comGet contact
LFLucia Fontana
HR GeneralistEataly
 @eataly.comGet contact
HDHaleigh Dunning
Social Media & Digital Advertising ManagerEataly
 @eataly.comGet contact
EVEmanuele Varva
Global Head of eCommerceEataly
 @eataly.comGet contact
YTYuri Tetrov
Principal CEOEataly
 @eataly.comGet contact
NDNicolo' Dagnino
Managing Director, CanadaEataly
 @eataly.comGet contact
Displaying 10 of 693 results

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