Jeffrey Beck's Email Address and Phone Number

President and CEO at Soft Robotics Inc.

Jeffrey Beck is a(n) President and CEO working at Soft Robotics Inc.

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Other employees at Soft Robotics Inc.

HPHaley Parizo
Sales Operations ManagerSoft Robotics Inc.
 @sof….comGet contact
YWYuquan Wang
Member of the BoardSoft Robotics Inc.
 @sof….comGet contact
AMAkshay Mahure
Marketing RepresentativeSoft Robotics Inc.
 @sof….comGet contact
MEMatthew Ellis
Manufacturing Engineering ManagerSoft Robotics Inc.
 @sof….comGet contact
AHAustin Harvey
Director of Product ManagementSoft Robotics Inc.
 @sof….comGet contact
CWChikyung Won
Senior Principal Mechanical EngineerSoft Robotics Inc.
 @sof….comGet contact
WGWill Gunner
Principal Mechanical EngineerSoft Robotics Inc.
 @sof….comGet contact
BWBuckley Withrow
Mechanical EngineerSoft Robotics Inc.
 @sof….comGet contact
MCMark Chiappetta
Chief Operating OfficerSoft Robotics Inc.
 @sof….comGet contact
BGBen Gibson
Applications Engineering Manager - Packaging SolutionsSoft Robotics Inc.
 @sof….comGet contact
Displaying 10 of 28 results

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