Jeff Turkelson's Email Address and Phone Number

Researcher at Artefact

Jeff Turkelson is a(n) Researcher working at Artefact.

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RCRobin Conquet @art….com(206) Get contact
RGRodolphe Guitteny @art….com(206) Get contact
SRSherise Roseman
Accounting CoordinatorArtefact
 @art….com(206) Get contact
MCMichael Cook
Software DeveloperArtefact
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MFMelissa Filion
Account DirectorArtefact
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JBJean Bourdon
ingénieur travauxArtefact
 @art….com(206) Get contact
BBBranimir Belchev
 @art….com(206) Get contact
ABAmelia Barlow
 @art….com(206) Get contact
DGDoug Gapinski
Program DirectorArtefact
 @art….com(206) Get contact
AKAndrea Kang
Interaction DesignerArtefact
 @art….com(206) Get contact
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