Jean-Michel Lasaygues's Email Address and Phone Number

Responsable Promotion et Admissions at ESIGETEL

Jean-Michel Lasaygues is a(n) Responsable Promotion et Admissions working at ESIGETEL.

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Other employees at ESIGETEL

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CLChristophe Lejeune
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CMCatherine Marechal
Enseignant-Chercheur / Responsable Transfert Technologique (Formations continue / Conseil expertise)ESIGETEL 1 Get contact
TGTanguy Gentric
EtudiantESIGETEL 1 Get contact
MGMathilde Gallo
Chargée de mission service relations entreprises et service communicationESIGETEL 1 Get contact
JLJimmy Lasaygues
Responsable Promotion et Concours / Promotion and Entrance ManagerESIGETEL 1 Get contact
MCMaxime Charroin
TélécommunicationESIGETEL 1 Get contact
MDMoustapha Djibo
EtudiantESIGETEL 1 Get contact
AGAgnes Goasglas
Coordinatrice relations Internationales - International Affairs CoordinatorESIGETEL 1 Get contact
MKMichael Katz
Etudiant Master 1ESIGETEL 1 Get contact
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