Jean-Baptiste Delahaye's Email Address and Phone Number

Conseil en Propriété Industrielle at GEVERS

Jean-Baptiste Delahaye is a(n) Conseil en Propriété Industrielle working at GEVERS.

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Other employees at GEVERS

VWVicky Wilde 2 Get contact
ENEnzo Nadal 2 Get contact
VLVirginie Lorthois
Patent ParalegalGEVERS 2 Get contact
BWBoris Welzer
Patent Attorney - Team LeaderGEVERS 2 Get contact
JAJohan Aerts
Patent EngineerGEVERS 2 Get contact
FHFrancoise Hennaux
Senior Trademark & Design ParalegalGEVERS 2 Get contact
SCSanne Claessens
Head of Patent Renewals BelgiumGEVERS 2 Get contact
ADAlexandre Decre
Ingénieur BrevetGEVERS 2 Get contact
MCMallorie Cervelli
Patent ParalegalGEVERS 2 Get contact
TWTiffany Wijngaert
Anticounterfeiting departmentGEVERS 2 Get contact
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