Jayne Nelson's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing and Communications Manager at The Petchey Academy, Hackney

Jayne Nelson is a(n) Marketing and Communications Manager working at The Petchey Academy, Hackney.

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Other employees at The Petchey Academy, Hackney

RFRose Ferguson
Student Welfare ManagerThe Petchey Academy, Hackney
 @pet…g.uk+44 2 Get contact
PAPierre Adenegha-Howell
Deputy Head of YearThe Petchey Academy, Hackney
 @pet…g.uk+44 2 Get contact
TLThomas Llewellyn-Jones @pet…g.uk+44 2 Get contact
KAKris Anderson
Assistant Year LeadThe Petchey Academy, Hackney
 @pet…g.uk+44 2 Get contact
SESue Ellingham
Financial ControllerThe Petchey Academy, Hackney
 @pet…g.uk+44 2 Get contact
CPChiara Pedrazzi
Spanish and Latin TeacherThe Petchey Academy, Hackney
 @pet…g.uk+44 2 Get contact
AFAmy Farrelly @pet…g.uk+44 2 Get contact
CKChris Kebbie
Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinatorThe Petchey Academy, Hackney
 @pet…g.uk+44 2 Get contact
MNMagdalena Nowik
Administration OfficerThe Petchey Academy, Hackney
 @pet…g.uk+44 2 Get contact
CACeyda Ahmet @pet…g.uk+44 2 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 45 results

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