Javier Lora's Email Address and Phone Number

Area Production Manager at The Kraft Heinz Company

Javier Lora is a(n) Area Production Manager working at The Kraft Heinz Company.

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Other employees at The Kraft Heinz Company

JNJeffrey Naegle @kra….com(412) Get contact
AWAlex Weeks
Senior Finance Manager, ZBB (Zero-Based Budgeting)The Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
RJRadhika Joshi
Manager - IT Application Support, FinanceThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
MMMarcus Manna
Payroll & Third Party CoordinatorThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
DQDavid Quinn @kra….com(412) Get contact
RIRushdah Isaacs
Senior R & D Food TechnologistThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
SPSuraj Patel @kra….com(412) Get contact
RCRoisin Callanan
Commercial AnalystThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
DKDavid Kreitzer
European Packaging Buyer at The Kraft Heinz CompanyThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
SCShane Cushman
Customer Category Manager- Strategic AccountThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 5793 results

Similar people to Javier Lora

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Area Production ManagerThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
KJKishor Joshi
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 @kra….com(412) Get contact
ASAndrew Stinson
Area Production ManagerThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
PPPaul Pfeiffenberger
Area Production Manager / Continuous Improvement ManagerThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
EBEric Borchardt
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 @kra….com(412) Get contact
HBHannah Birkholz
Area Production ManagerThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
JHJohn Hayman
Area Production ManagerSamworth Brothers
 @sam…o.uk+44 1 Get contact
WLWalter Liu
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TUToni Uk
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CLChristopher Lupo
Area Production ManagerThe Kraft Heinz Company
 @kra….com(412) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 19 results