Jane Magowan's Email Address and Phone Number

Estates and Facilities Manager at Shooting Star Chase

Jane Magowan is a(n) Estates and Facilities Manager working at Shooting Star Chase.

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Other employees at Shooting Star Chase

SVSumitha Vijayavicknesh
Hospice At HomeShooting Star Chase
 @sho…g.uk+44 1 Get contact
MHMum/Ice Howard @sho…g.uk+44 1 Get contact
CPChristine Perry @sho…g.uk+44 1 Get contact
SCShooting Chase
Registered Charity No. 1042495Shooting Star Chase
 @sho…g.uk+44 1 Get contact
KPKaren Peffer
Challenge Events FundraiserShooting Star Chase
 @sho…g.uk+44 1 Get contact
GGGeorgina Goddard
Specialist FundraiserShooting Star Chase
 @sho…g.uk+44 1 Get contact
IHIblal Hussain @sho…g.uk+44 1 Get contact
SDStephanie Dean
HR Business PartnerShooting Star Chase
 @sho…g.uk+44 1 Get contact
VEVeronica Etherington
Head of Safeguarding/Play TherapistShooting Star Chase
 @sho…g.uk+44 1 Get contact
ADAndrew Deakin
Maintenace TechnicianShooting Star Chase
 @sho…g.uk+44 1 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 49 results

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Estates and Facilities ManagerNHS Blood and Transplant
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IFIan Freestone
Regional Estates and Facilities ManagerNHS Blood and Transplant
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PSPhil Sloan
Estates and Facilities Manager(Deputy)NHS Blood and Transplant
 @nhs…s.uk+44 3 Get contact
NHNick Hawker
Estates and Facilities ManagerNHS Blood and Transplant
 @nhs…s.uk+44 3 Get contact
GPGill Phillips
Former Estates and Facilities ManagerNHS Trust
 @nhs.net+44 1 Get contact
DWDavid Weightman
Estates and Facilities ManagerNHS Direct
 @nhs…s.ukGet contact
TBTony Burns
Estates and Facilities ManagerNHS Direct
 @nhs…s.ukGet contact
JAJoanne Appleby @bcp…s.uk+44 8 Get contact
BSBrian Steventon
Estates and Facilities ManagerNHS
 @www.nhs.ukGet contact
SDSam Duff-Miller
Deputy Estates and Facilities ManagerNHS Blood and Transplant
 @nhs…s.uk+44 3 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 13 results