James Landers's Email Address and Phone Number

Child Care Worker at The House of the Good Shepherd

James Landers is a(n) Child Care Worker working at The House of the Good Shepherd.

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Other employees at The House of the Good Shepherd

PMPriscilla Morales @hgs….com(315) Get contact
MSMaureen Sexson
President/Womens BoardThe House of the Good Shepherd
 @hgs….com(315) Get contact
CLChester Lebert @hgs….com(315) Get contact
RLRose Letsak @hgs….com(315) Get contact
BHBill Holicky @hgs….com(315) Get contact
DGDavid Gilmore
Prevention Case ManagerThe House of the Good Shepherd
 @hgs….com(315) Get contact
CEChristine Eddy
Primary Therapist/Licensed Mental Health CounselorThe House of the Good Shepherd
 @hgs….com(315) Get contact
RHRic Hesse
Licensed Mental Health CounselorThe House of the Good Shepherd
 @hgs….com(315) Get contact
JGJoy Gifford
Youth Empowerment specialistThe House of the Good Shepherd
 @hgs….com(315) Get contact
SFSandra Farnell @hgs….com(315) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 73 results

Similar people to James Landers

MHMegan Himes @gbchfm.org(912) Get contact
KCKevin Cravey
child care worker/shift leaderLutheran Social Services of New York
 @lssny.org(212) Get contact
WBWanda Bunker @stjo.org(800) Get contact
MMMicah Mitchell
 @auberle.orgGet contact
LSLourdes Sosa
Child Care WorkerThe New York Foundling
 @nyf….org(212) Get contact
MBMary Boyd
Child Care WorkerThe New York Foundling
 @nyf….org(212) Get contact
RRRebecca Reid
child care workerYMCA of the USA
 @ymca.net(312) Get contact
CCCarrie Campbell
Child Care WorkerYMCA of the USA
 @ymca.net(312) Get contact
BHBeth Hefer
Child Care WorkerBig Fat Smile
 @big…m.au+61 2 Get contact
LDLeonie Duggan
Child care WorkerBig Fat Smile
 @big…m.au+61 2 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 60 results