James Henton's Email Address and Phone Number

Pharmaceutical Development Manager at Vectura Group plc.

James Henton is a(n) Pharmaceutical Development Manager working at Vectura Group plc.

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Other employees at Vectura Group plc.

AFAndrew Firth
Senior Manager - Analytical & LaboratoriesVectura Group plc.
 @vectura.comGet contact
RMRavenna Matos @vectura.comGet contact
SMSandy Munro
Senior Vice President - Pharmaceutical DevelopmentVectura Group plc.
 @vectura.comGet contact
FGFlorence Gower
Lead ScientistVectura Group plc.
 @vectura.comGet contact
MFManfred Fischer
Vice President - Pharmaceutical DevelopmentVectura Group plc.
 @vectura.comGet contact
CFClara Fournier @sky….com+44 2 Get contact
JLJustine Langham
Technicienne de laboratoire en alternanceSkyepharma
 @vectura.com+44 2 Get contact
SMSarah Maxwell
PA to CEOSkyepharma
 @vectura.com+44 2 Get contact
CLCharlotte Lord
Systems AccountantSkyepharma
 @vectura.com+44 2 Get contact
HSHeidi Sprang
 @vectura.com+44 2 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 227 results

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