James Gordon's Email Address and Phone Number

Junior Clerk at 1GC|Family Law

James Gordon is a(n) Junior Clerk working at 1GC|Family Law.

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Other employees at 1GC|Family Law

SPSophie Prolingheuer @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
AEAusten Eckford-Soper
3rd Junior Clerk1GC|Family Law
 @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
JBJanet Bazley
Head of Chambers1GC|Family Law
 @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
EMElena Macleod @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
SQSusan Qc
Barrister, Chairman FLBA1GC|Family Law
 @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
RHRussell Healey
Office Manager (Maternity Contract)1GC|Family Law
 @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
SSSharon Segal @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
PMPeter Mceleavy
Barrister at Law1GC|Family Law
 @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
GMGilly Mciarb @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
GDGillian Downham @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 21 results

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 @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
HSHarry Smith
3rd Junior Clerk1GC|Family Law
 @1gc.com+44 2 Get contact
FTFlorence Till
Junior ClerkMonckton Chambers
 @mon….com+44 2 Get contact
JKJohn Keegan
First Junior ClerkMonckton Chambers
 @mon….com+44 2 Get contact
SSShashi Shahabade
Junior ClerkCourt
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JWJessica Wilkie
Junior ClerkLinenhall Chambers
 @lhc…o.uk+44 1 Get contact
JGJack Garforth
Head Junior Clerk20 Essex St
 @20e….comGet contact
JSJames Stammers
1st Junior ClerkNew Court Chambers
 @new….com+44 2 Get contact
LHLuke Harvey @qeb…o.uk+44 2 Get contact
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