James Ameda's Email Address and Phone Number

Communications Officer at Food for the Hungry, Inc.

James Ameda is a(n) Communications Officer working at Food for the Hungry, Inc.

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Other employees at Food for the Hungry, Inc.

TGTroy Gamm
Global Data Security ManagerFood for the Hungry, Inc.
 @fh.org(480) Get contact
ATAlbina Torrez
Especialista en salud y NutricionFood for the Hungry, Inc.
 @fh.org(480) Get contact
KSKermith Scarlett @fh.org(480) Get contact
SBSamuel Bekele
Senior ABY AccountantFood for the Hungry, Inc.
 @fh.org(480) Get contact
DADereje Akalu @fh.org(480) Get contact
TLTom Lepage
Africa Regional DirectorFood for the Hungry, Inc.
 @fh.org(480) Get contact
EMElgin Macmillan
Multimedia SpecialistFood for the Hungry, Inc.
 @fh.org(480) Get contact
ANAmanuel Negewo
Risk and Compliance ManagerFood for the Hungry, Inc.
 @fh.orgGet contact
FSFelicien Shabani
Technicien InformaticienFood for the Hungry, Inc.
 @fh.org(480) Get contact
RMRosario Maliango
Coordenador distritalFood for the Hungry, Inc.
 @fh.org(480) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 690 results

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