Jak Bardsley's Email Address and Phone Number

Field Marketing Manager at Vertu Motors plc

Jak Bardsley is a(n) Field Marketing Manager working at Vertu Motors plc.

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Other employees at Vertu Motors plc

ALAmy Lightowler
HR Business PartnerVertu Motors plc
 @ver….comGet contact
MHMark Hetherington
Head of HR Business PartneringVertu Motors plc
 @ver….comGet contact
JWJonathan Wake
IT Service Delivery ManagerVertu Motors plc
 @ver….comGet contact
TSThomas Snell
2nd line IT infrastructre engineerVertu Motors plc
 @ver….comGet contact
BCBruce Clark
Group IT DirectorVertu Motors plc
 @ver….comGet contact
ASAndrew Sanderson
Information Technology Infrastructure EngineerVertu Motors plc
 @ver….comGet contact
TCTom Cummings
Head Of Marketing ServicesVertu Motors plc
 @ver….comGet contact
JRJonathan Rowntree
SEO ManagerVertu Motors plc
 @ver….comGet contact
EGEllen Gulliksen
Head Of Retail MarketingVertu Motors plc
 @ver….comGet contact
LTLesley Thornburn
Digital Product Marketing ManagerVertu Motors plc
 @ver….comGet contact
Displaying 10 of 269 results

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