Ipm France is a Communications Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified company. Ipm France SIC code is 3669 and NAICS code is 334290.
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Name | Position | Contacts | ||
FR | Florent Risson | Technicien SAV et Support TechniqueIPM France | @ipm….com+33 4 | Get contact |
MP | Michele Pasinetti | CHARGEE D'ACHATS et APPROVISIONNEMENTSIPM France | @ipm….com+33 4 | Get contact |
AB | Ahmed Bettayeb | Responsable d'atelier et chargé des méthodesIPM France | @ipm….com+33 4 | Get contact |
AN | Alexandra Nallet-Didier | Responsable Marketing et CommunicationIPM France | @ipm….com+33 4 | Get contact |
SM | Serge Mary | Ingénieur d'affairesIPM France | @ipm….com+33 4 | Get contact |
BB | Bruno Blouquy | Ingénieur d'affairesIPM France | @ipm….com+33 4 | Get contact |
DF | Danielle France | DAFIPM France | @ipm….com+33 4 | Get contact |
DD | Danielle Demolis | dafIPM France | @ipm….com+33 4 | Get contact |
GD | Guy Daumas | Directeur GénéralIPM France | @ipm….com+33 4 | Get contact |
JC | Jean-Pierre Coeffic | RSIIPM France | @ipm….com+33 4 | Get contact |