Ian Pritchard's Email Address and Phone Number

Chief Operating Officer at Belo Sun Mining Corp

Ian Pritchard is a(n) Chief Operating Officer working at Belo Sun Mining Corp.

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Other employees at Belo Sun Mining Corp

SMScott Moore
Chief Operating OfficerBelo Sun Mining Corp
 @for….com(416) Get contact
EMElielson Maia
Tecnico em MineraçãoBelo Sun Mining Corp
 @belosun.com(416) Get contact
JGJihong Gan @belosun.com(416) Get contact
EGElielson Gomes
Tecnico em mineraçãoBelo Sun Mining Corp
 @belosun.com(416) Get contact
JFJones Fernandes
Supervisor AdministrativoBelo Sun Mining Corp
 @belosun.com(416) Get contact
HBHelia Bento
Manager, Investor RelationsBelo Sun Mining Corp
 @belosun.com(416) Get contact
CCCarlos Costa
Director, P.Geo.Belo Sun Mining Corp
 @belosun.com(416) Get contact
MHMike Hoffman @belosun.com(416) Get contact
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