Hubbell Incorporated Email Format


Company Profile

Hubbell Incorporated is a Electrical Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies, Not Elsewhere company. Hubbell Incorporated SIC code is 3699 and NAICS code is 335999.

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United States
19700 employees

Hubbell Incorporated Employees

MCMike Cannata
Corporate CounselHubbell Incorporated Get contact
ABAndrew Babcock @hubbell.comGet contact
CHChris Hogan
Vice President/General Manager - Residential for Hubbell LightingHubbell Incorporated Get contact
CMChrissy Martel
Senior Manager, BenefitsHubbell Incorporated Get contact
SKSanjiv Khatri
Sr. Director EngineeringHubbell Incorporated Get contact
SBSandra Becerra Get contact
VGVictor Guzman
Account Manager - Wiring DevicesHubbell Incorporated Get contact
EGEder Gonzalez
Plant Manufacturing ManagerHubbell Incorporated Get contact
MOMatthew Opotzner
Customer Service AnalystHubbell Incorporated Get contact
KNKarin Nicoll
Human Resources ManagerHubbell Incorporated Get contact
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