Heshani Makalande's Email Address and Phone Number

HR Analyst at Baffinland

Heshani Makalande is a(n) HR Analyst working at Baffinland.

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Other employees at Baffinland

RDRajan Desai @baf….com(416) Get contact
MAMichael Anderson
Chief Technical OfficerBaffinland
 @baf….com(416) Get contact
RPRemi Pelletier
Road Maintenance SuperintendentBaffinland
 @baf….com(416) Get contact
LALori Arnold
Freelance Graphic DesignerBaffinland
 @baf….com(416) Get contact
AWAl Wertz
Port and Logistics SuperintendentBaffinland
 @baf….com(416) Get contact
DPDeon Pope
Port/Logistics SuperintendentBaffinland
 @baf….com(416) Get contact
SPShawn Parry
Mine Operations- Ore Handling SuperintendentBaffinland
 @baf….com(416) Get contact
JCJohnny Coffey
Planner Ship LoadingBaffinland
 @baf….com(416) Get contact
PBPaul Byron
Lead BuyerBaffinland
 @baf….com(416) Get contact
RTRobert Tookoome
IIBA Training and Employment CoordinatorBaffinland
 @baf….com(416) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 159 results

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