Hartwick College Email Format


Company Profile

Hartwick College is a Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools company. Hartwick College SIC code is 8221 and NAICS code is 611310.

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United States
475 employees

Hartwick College Employees

WEWilliam Ehmann
Provost and Vice President for Academic AffairsHartwick College
 @har….eduGet contact
MTMichael Tannenbaum
Retired (Provost Emeritus)Hartwick College
 @har….eduGet contact
SJSuzanne Janitz
Director of Human ResourcesHartwick College
 @har….eduGet contact
PBPatricia Branigan
Spanish TeacherHartwick College
 @har….edu(607) Get contact
SRSteff Rocknak
Associate Professor of Philosophy, SculptorHartwick College
 @har….edu(607) Get contact
JHJulia Hayes
Asst. Prof. of English/Writing Center CoordinatorHartwick College
 @har….edu(607) Get contact
VAVirginia Arreola
Assistant Professor of SpanishHartwick College
 @har….edu(607) Get contact
JRJacqueline Rn
Visiting Professor of NursingHartwick College
 @har….edu(607) Get contact
MDMartha Daniel
Drilling shelled prey: Effects of species and size on individual specialization of Octopus vulgarisHartwick College
 @har….edu(607) Get contact
TVTracy Verma
Lecturer in Physical Education - Gentle YogaHartwick College
 @har….edu(607) Get contact
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