Haley Switlekowski's Email Address and Phone Number

Technical design intern at Derek Lam

Haley Switlekowski is a(n) Technical design intern working at Derek Lam.

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Other employees at Derek Lam

LMLee Ma
Design 3-DDerek Lam
 @der….com(212) Get contact
MBMorgan Burns
Production AssistantDerek Lam
 @der….com(212) Get contact
JKJessica Keiser
VP of Product DevelopmentDerek Lam
 @der….com(212) Get contact
MMMariela Montiel
design consultentDerek Lam
 @der….com(212) Get contact
EIEmily Irons
Marketing and Digital AssistantDerek Lam
 @der….com(212) Get contact
MCMartin Cho
DesignerDerek Lam
 @der….com(212) Get contact
LBLea Banchereau
Product Development InternDerek Lam
 @der….com(212) Get contact
VCVittoria Cerioli
InternDerek Lam
 @der….com(212) Get contact
SGSuliya Gisele
Sales SupervisorDerek Lam
 @der….com(212) Get contact
DTDani Ton
Collection Design InternDerek Lam
 @der….com(212) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 44 results

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