Günter Rosskopp's Email Address and Phone Number

Customer Relations Manager at Hyundai Motor Europe

Günter Rosskopp is a(n) Customer Relations Manager working at Hyundai Motor Europe.

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069 2 

Other employees at Hyundai Motor Europe

NSNiels Svaerke
Head Of Customer Experience Innovation (Digitalization)Hyundai Motor Europe
 @hyundai.com069 2 Get contact
HBHarald Bayer-Menning
Head of Service Marketing & Business DevelopmentHyundai Motor Europe
 @hyundai.com069 2 Get contact
PBPriyanka Bhambri @hyundai.comGet contact
HMHyundai Motors @hyundai.comGet contact
EKEfi K. @hyundai.com069 2 Get contact
APAbishek Pandith @hyundai.comGet contact
PAPavan Allenki
Marketing ManagerHyundai Motor India Ltd.
 @hyundai.comGet contact
ZKZayong Koo
Senior Vice President / Head of Investor Relations (IR)Hyundai Motor Company (현대자동차)
 @hyundai.comGet contact
ASAnas Siddiqui
National Manager Marketing StrategyMohamed Yousuf Naghi Motors Hyundai
 @hyundai.comGet contact
KSKhalid Shaikh
Workshop ManagerHyundai Motor India Ltd.
 @hyundai.comGet contact
Displaying 10 of 910 results

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