Guess Inc. Email Format


Company Profile

Guess Inc. is a Men's and Boys' Separate Trousers and Slacks company. Guess Inc. SIC code is 2325 and NAICS code is 315220.

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United States
Los Angeles
15700 employees

Guess Inc. Employees

RHRyan Hahn
Senior Product Development Manager / Brand PartnershipsGUESS?, Inc. Get contact
PMPaul Marciano
Co-Founder GUESS?, Inc. Get contact
JXJames Xu
Chief Technology OfficerGUESS?, Inc. Get contact
SDSoniya Dhuka Get contact
MSMegan Swindell Get contact
LTLance Tamanaha
Senior Commercial ManagerGUESS?, Inc. Get contact
DQD Quin Get contact
AAAlisa Avdic
Store ManagerGUESS?, Inc. Get contact
CPChunny Pam
Allocation AnalystGUESS?, Inc. Get contact
WDWhitney Dunn
Store ManagerGUESS?, Inc. Get contact
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