Ginger Mcelhannon's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing and Communications Manager at Saia Inc.

Ginger Mcelhannon is a(n) Marketing and Communications Manager working at Saia Inc.

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Other employees at Saia Inc.

TUTessa Uredi
Corporate Recruiter/ LTL Recruiter/ Transportation IndustrySaia Inc. Get contact
RLRohit Lal
Executive VP & CIOSaia Inc. Get contact
BOBailey Oliver
Executive Assistant To VP’s of Sales, Marketing, and OperationsSaia Inc. Get contact
BKBill Kennedy
VP Operations, Western DivisionSaia Inc. Get contact
KSKevin Szydel
VP Operations Western DivisionSaia Inc. Get contact
SJScott Jandacek
Director, 3PL SalesSaia Inc. Get contact
MHMark Hamblin
Vice President Sales, Saia LTLSaia Inc. Get contact
JBJuan Barroso
Vice President Sales East DivisionSaia Inc. Get contact
WMWilliam Monahan
Regional OperationsSaia Inc. Get contact
JOJeff Owen
Director of Linehaul OperationsSaia Inc. Get contact
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