Cosi Inc. Email Format


Company Profile

Cosi Inc. is a Eating Places company. Cosi Inc. SIC code is 5812 and NAICS code is 722514.

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United States
1725 employees

Cosi Inc. Employees

JSJudy Santa
Human Resources ManagerCosi
 @getcosi.comGet contact
SSSusan Sterling
Manager, Compensation & BenefitsCosi
 @getcosi.comGet contact
ESEricka Santos
Human Resources ManagerCosi
 @getcosi.comGet contact
JBJoey Broyles
 @getcosi.comGet contact
CCChris Carroll
Chief Marketing OfficersCosi
 @getcosi.com86658 Get contact
VBVicki Baue
VP & General Counsel, CCO, Asst Secretary (CLO) & Interim VP HRCosi
 @getcosi.comGet contact
SGSteven Grover
Executive Vice President, Purchasing and DevelopmentCosi
 @getcosi.comGet contact
THThomas Hayden
Vice President, Information TechnologyCosi
 @getcosi.comGet contact
PBPhil Bielawski Get contact
PVPatricia Volpe
BaristaCosi Get contact
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