George Melistas's Email Address and Phone Number

Engineering Senior Manager, Traffic Engineer & Interim City Engineer at City of Novi, Michigan

George Melistas is a(n) Engineering Senior Manager, Traffic Engineer & Interim City Engineer working at City of Novi, Michigan.

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Other employees at City of Novi, Michigan

MWMike Wilson @cit….orgGet contact
DMDavid Molloy
Director of Public SafetyCity of Novi, Michigan
 @cit….orgGet contact
MMMegan Mikus
Deputy Director of Public WorksCity of Novi, Michigan
 @cit….orgGet contact
JSJeremy Stempien @cit….orgGet contact
KRKevin Rhea
Training and Standards SergeantCity of Novi, Michigan
 @cit….org(248) Get contact
TBTheresa Bridges
Construction EngineerCity of Novi, Michigan
 @cit….org(248) Get contact
BMBarbara Mcbeth
Novi City PlannerCity of Novi, Michigan
 @cit….org(248) Get contact
BABrittney Alverson
HR Customer Service RepresentativeCity of Novi, Michigan
 @cit….org(248) Get contact
KGKevin Gilmore
Detective SergeantCity of Novi, Michigan
 @cit….org(248) Get contact
TGTiffany Giacobazzi
Forestry Asset ManagerCity of Novi, Michigan
 @cit….org(248) Get contact
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