Gci Incorporated Email Format


Company Profile

Gci Incorporated is a Business Consulting Services, Not Elsewhere Classified company. Gci Incorporated SIC code is 8748 and NAICS code is 541690.

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United States
570 employees

Gci Incorporated Employees

CSChrissy Shrm-Scp
Manager, Recruitment GCI Communication Corp.
 @gci.com(907) Get contact
PPPeter Pounds
Senior Vice President & Chief Financial OfficerGCI Communication Corp.
 @gci.com(907) Get contact
PGPeter Gregory
Senior Director - Cyber GRCGCI Communication Corp.
 @optiv.com(907) Get contact
JSJames Schorr
Director, Cloud PlatformGCI Communication Corp.
 @gci.com(907) Get contact
SCSarah Coe
Digital Marketing StrategistGCI Communication Corp.
 @gci.com(907) Get contact
KTKekama Tuiofu
Associate, Financial AnalystGCI Communication Corp.
 @gci.com(907) Get contact
IRIliana Rivera
Sr Customer Experience Analyst GCI Communication Corp.
 @gci.com(907) Get contact
MGMatt Graves
Senior Director, Enterprise Data and AnalyticsGCI Communication Corp.
 @gci.com(907) Get contact
KMKaleb Mullin
Director, Data Analytics and ReportingGCI Communication Corp.
 @gci.com(907) Get contact
VEVictor Esposito
Vice President Data & Transport EngineeringGCI Communication Corp.
 @gci.com(907) Get contact
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