Fresno Pacific University Email Format


Company Profile

Fresno Pacific University is a Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools company. Fresno Pacific University SIC code is 8221 and NAICS code is 611310.

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United States
380 employees

Fresno Pacific University Employees

DCDeanna Carpentier Get contact
AVAnthony Velez Get contact
ECElliot Cavale
Adjunct Spanish and English ProfessorFresno Pacific University Get contact
SFSarai Florez
student assistantFresno Pacific University Get contact
LGLouisa Gee Get contact
DPDanine Pfitzer
Graduate Assistant Athletic TrainerFresno Pacific University Get contact
SHScott Hickam Get contact
PWPastor Wilson
Dean of Spiritual Formation, University PastorFresno Pacific University Get contact
JNJoy Ndombeson
College Hour Student InternFresno Pacific University Get contact
CVCynthia Vogt
Writing Center TutorFresno Pacific University Get contact
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