Frederique Jaffeux's Email Address and Phone Number

Teacher of French at Greenhead College

Frederique Jaffeux is a(n) Teacher of French working at Greenhead College.

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Other employees at Greenhead College

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MPMike Pickerden @gre… 1 Get contact
CFChantal Forrest
Elected GovernorGreenhead College
 @gre… 1 Get contact
JHJake Hutchinson @gre… 1 Get contact
DGDavid Greenwood
Assistant PrincipalGreenhead College
 @gre… 1 Get contact
GTGraham Thackray @gre… 1 Get contact
CLClare Lucas @gre… 1 Get contact
CACarl Atherton @gre… 1 Get contact
DRDevina Ramduny-Ellis
Computer Science TeacherGreenhead College
 @gre… 1 Get contact
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