Elizabethtown College Email Format


Company Profile

Elizabethtown College is a Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools company. Elizabethtown College SIC code is 8221 and NAICS code is 611310.

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United States
470 employees

Elizabethtown College Employees

KSKeri Straub
Senior Director Of Marketing & Communications at Elizabethtown CollegeElizabethtown College
 @etown.edu717-3 Get contact
CMCecilia Mccormick @etown.edu717-3 Get contact
ASAdam Smith
Assistant Vice President for Enrollment ManagementElizabethtown College
 @etown.edu717-3 Get contact
ZKZachary Klinedinst
Digital Marketing SpecialistElizabethtown College
 @etown.edu717-3 Get contact
ACAustin Crull
Social Media and Digital Marketing ManagerElizabethtown College
 @etown.edu717-3 Get contact
STSusan Traverso
Provost and Senior Vice President, Professor of HistoryElizabethtown College
 @etown.edu717-3 Get contact
KSKathy Schwab
Adjunct Professor of MarketingElizabethtown College
 @etown.edu717-3 Get contact
MZMark Zimmerman
Director of Facilities Management & ConstructionElizabethtown College
 @etown.edu717-3 Get contact
SMShahd Mba
Adjunct ProfessorElizabethtown College
 @etown.edu717-3 Get contact
CMCasey Mcgarvey
Director of Athletic Communications Elizabethtown College
 @etown.edu717-3 Get contact
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