Espey Mfg. & Electronics Corp. Email Format


Company Profile

Espey Mfg. & Electronics Corp. is a Electronic Components, Not Elsewhere Classified company. Espey Mfg. & Electronics Corp. SIC code is 3679 and NAICS code is 334419.

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United States
Saratoga Springs
164 employees

Espey Mfg. & Electronics Corp. Employees

DLDonald Langlois Get contact
HPHoward Pinsley Get contact
JPJoseph Pelletier Get contact
CCCynthia Cook
Subcontract SpecialistEspey Mfg & Electronics Corp. Get contact
GSGeorge Sloan Get contact
CBChristopher Bernardi
Subcontract Program ManagerEspey Mfg & Electronics Corp. Get contact
FKFredrick Kasparian Get contact
DHDave Hoffman
Contracts / Program ManagerEspey Mfg & Electronics Corp. Get contact
PMPeggy Murphy
Dir. Human Resources/Corp. Sec'y/FSOEspey Mfg & Electronics Corp. Get contact
BDBruce Dietrich
Engineering Development ManagerEspey Mfg & Electronics Corp. Get contact
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