Emma Pine's Email Address and Phone Number

Vice President, Investor Relations at CVC Capital Partners

Emma Pine is a(n) Vice President, Investor Relations working at CVC Capital Partners.

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Other employees at CVC Capital Partners

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ADAnna Douchanova
Investment DirectorCVC Capital Partners
 @cvc.com26 47 Get contact
DBDaniel Bloch
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 @cvc.com26 47 Get contact
AGAtiff Gill
Senior Managing DirectorCVC Capital Partners
 @cvc.com26 47 Get contact
MGManasa Grandhi
Investment ExecutiveCVC Capital Partners
 @cvc.com26 47 Get contact
MKMarta Kowalska
Investment ExecutiveCVC Capital Partners
 @cvc.com26 47 Get contact
ATAndrew Tully
Managing DirectorCVC Credit
 @cvc.com020 7 Get contact
RSRenu Shiva
Investment ExecutiveCVC Credit
 @cvc.com020 7 Get contact
IHIrene Huete
Investment DirectorCVC Credit
 @cvc.com020 7 Get contact
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