Emily Chapin's Email Address and Phone Number

Collections Access Archivist at Museum of the City of New York

Emily Chapin is a(n) Collections Access Archivist working at Museum of the City of New York.

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SSSara Spink
Curatorial AssociateMuseum of the City of New York
 @mcny.org(212) Get contact
JGJerry Gallagher
Chief Operating OfficerMuseum of the City of New York
 @mcny.org(212) Get contact
VBValerie Boisseau
Freelance Textile ConservatorMuseum of the City of New York
 @mcny.org(212) Get contact
PLPedro Luna @mcny.org(212) Get contact
NSNadin Sozudogru
Sr. Staff AccountantMuseum of the City of New York
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CLCambridge Lynch
Core Content DeveloperMuseum of the City of New York
 @mcny.org(212) Get contact
ASArielle Suskin
Visitor Services and Retail AssistantMuseum of the City of New York
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JOJoanne Olian @mcny.org(212) Get contact
JZJacqueline Zirman
Assistant Director, Special EventsMuseum of the City of New York
 @mcny.org(212) Get contact
LLLillian Lesser
Public Programs CoordinatorMuseum of the City of New York
 @mcny.org(212) Get contact
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