Ellie Collinge's Email Address and Phone Number

Freelance at Northern Ballet

Ellie Collinge is a(n) Freelance working at Northern Ballet.

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Other employees at Northern Ballet

CWCatherine Worthington
Director of Academy OperationsNorthern Ballet
 @nor….comGet contact
ZCZoe Connell
Development Manager - Corporate and IndividualsNorthern Ballet
 @nor….com+44 1 Get contact
NJNeil Jarman
IT DirectorNorthern Ballet
 @nor….com+44 1 Get contact
EJElizabeth Jackson
Non Executive DirectorNorthern Ballet
 @nor….com+44 1 Get contact
GAGeoffrey Allan
Leader, Northern Ballet SinfoniaNorthern Ballet
 @nor….com+44 1 Get contact
LVLiam Verity
Senior Marketing ManagerNorthern Ballet
 @nor….com+44 1 Get contact
LRLiz Rose
Senior Communications ManagerNorthern Ballet
 @nor….com+44 1 Get contact
AVAlexander Volpov @nor….com+44 1 Get contact
DADonna Allen
Costume Maker AssistantNorthern Ballet
 @nor….com+44 1 Get contact
BBBrianna Bourne
Deputy Stage ManagerNorthern Ballet
 @nor….com+44 1 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 60 results

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ZRZach Rufa
Freelance Theatre ContractorThe Public Theater
 @pub….org(212) Get contact
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