E. E. Reed Construction L.P. Email Format


Company Profile

E. E. Reed Construction L.P. is a General Contractors-Nonresidential Buildings, Other than Industrial Buildings and Warehouses company. E. E. Reed Construction L.P. SIC code is 1542 and NAICS code is 236220.

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United States
Sugar Land
162 employees

E. E. Reed Construction L.P. Employees

NWNick Willet @eereed.com(281) Get contact
TSTim Sichak
Project SuperintendentEE Reed Construction, L.P.
 @eereed.com(281) Get contact
WSWarren Socha
Senior Project ManagerEE Reed Construction, L.P.
 @eereed.com(281) Get contact
SCSteven Chovanec @eereed.com(281) Get contact
RMRobert Mckie @eereed.com(281) Get contact
AWAt Wijbenga
Chief executive officerEE Reed Construction, L.P.
 @eereed.com(281) Get contact
TCTommy Carden
Project SuperintendentEE Reed Construction, L.P.
 @eereed.com(281) Get contact
BWBrian White
Senior Project ManagerEE Reed Construction, L.P.
 @eereed.com(281) Get contact
JSJohn Socha @eereed.com(281) Get contact
LHLuis Hernandezlopez
Assistant Project ManagerEE Reed Construction, L.P.
 @eereed.com(281) Get contact
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