Lear Corporation Email Format


Company Profile

Lear Corporation is a Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories company. Lear Corporation SIC code is 3714 and NAICS code is 336320.

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United States
169000 employees

Lear Corporation Employees

GPGiovanni Pellizzaro
Product Development EngineerEagle Ottawa
 @eag….com(248) Get contact
ICIvanov Contreras
Regional Lean ManagerEagle Ottawa
 @eag….com(248) Get contact
CRCinthia Robles
Asistente de Recursos HumanosEagle Ottawa
 @eag….com(248) Get contact
MAMartha Aued
Human Resources ManagerEagle Ottawa
 @eag….com(248) Get contact
VRVarela Raymundo
Process engineeringEagle Ottawa
 @eag….com(248) Get contact
ELElaine Lanza
Business Planning ManagerEagle Ottawa
 @eag….com(248) Get contact
ECElizabeth Condino
Customer Accounting ManagerEagle Ottawa
 @eag….com(248) Get contact
BZBeatriz Zermeno
 @eag….com(248) Get contact
ETEdith Trejo
Técnico de ingenieríaEagle Ottawa
 @eag….com(248) Get contact
SVSylvia Villanueva @eag….com(248) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 355 results

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