Eagle Bancorp Inc. Email Format


Company Profile

Eagle Bancorp Inc. is a State Commercial Banks company. Eagle Bancorp Inc. SIC code is 6022 and NAICS code is 522110.

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United States
827 employees

Eagle Bancorp Inc. Employees

JRJohn Richardson
Executive Vice PresidentEagleBank
 @eag….com(301) Get contact
CMCheri Mccain
ACH Supervisor - AAP, Bank OfficerEagleBank
 @eag….com(301) Get contact
BDBin D.
SVP, CECL and Financial ModelingEagleBank
 @eag….com(301) Get contact
RARoshan Alavi
1st Senior Vice President, Residential LendingEagleBank
 @eag….com(301) Get contact
PHPeggy Hinshaw
Vice President of Risk ManagementEagleBank
 @eag….com(301) Get contact
MVMichael Vavreck
1st Vice President, Deposit Operations ManagerEagleBank
 @eag….com(301) Get contact
JLJodee Lichtenstein
Senior Vice President Special AssetsEagleBank
 @eag….com(301) Get contact
JRJeff Rubery
Market ExecutiveEagleBank
 @eag….com(301) Get contact
VKVikki Kayne
SVP, Chief Marketing OfficerEagleBank
 @eag….com(301) Get contact
MSMarc Silvers
Senior Vice-President / Director - Banking OperationsEagleBank
 @eag….com(301) Get contact
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