Dr.shima Behkami's Email Address and Phone Number

Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Guelph

Dr.shima Behkami is a(n) Postdoctoral Researcher working at University of Guelph.

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ARAngi Roberts
Manager, marketing and communicationsUniversity of Guelph
 @uoguelph.caGet contact
DEDave Easter
Manager Marketing and CommunicationsUniversity of Guelph
 @uoguelph.caGet contact
MCMeghan Clark
Manager, Marketing, Communications and Enrolment OpenEdUniversity of Guelph
 @uoguelph.caGet contact
BBBritt Bowra
Marketing and Sales Mentor - Accelerator GuelphResearch Innovation Office - University of Guelph
 @uoguelph.caGet contact
MJMelissa Jutzi
Director, Human Resources (Total Compensation)University of Guelph
 @uoguelph.caGet contact
AMAaron Miller
Director, Marketing and Digital Engagement University of Guelph
 @uoguelph.caGet contact
DBDominique Bureau
Professor of Animal Nutrition and AquacultureUniversity of Guelph
 @uoguelph.caGet contact
LALeen Al-Jallad
Event Manager - GWiCSUniversity of Guelph
 @uoguelph.caGet contact
FDFarnaz Derakhshan
Visiting Researcher at University of GuelphUniversity of Guelph
 @uoguelph.caGet contact
RARyan Appleby
Assistant Professor, Diagnostic ImagingUniversity of Guelph
 @uoguelph.caGet contact
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